Usenet Search Engines & NZB Sites

Search Usenet Providers

Now hopefully you have a excellent Usenet Proivder you will need to locate some content on Usenet. Many of the top providers do supply a newsreader with search facilities, however due to the nature of Usenet its not always that easy!

If you choose not to use your newsreaders built in search then you have two basic options. "Raw Usenet search engines" and "NZB Sites".

Usenet search engines - These are just that, they search the headers given in the groups and display them for you. Many have grouping facilities and many more advanced features. These sites are usually free, however they do not offer much filtering of the Usenet Junk.

NZB search engines - These sites are specifically tailored towards finding those big grouped NZB files, many will have additional information on the files and headers that is not availiable on the mainstream Usenet Search engines. Many sites will require payment/donation for full features.

Private NZB sites - These are usually closed for registration and require a invite to join. These are usually fantastic communities for those hard to locate postings. Many sites will require payment/donation for full features.

Many sites now offer a API for integration into several third party applications like CouchPotato, SickBeard and SABnzbd

Found a site we have missed? Please let us know

Site Name Status Rank
NZBPlanet 38,591 Visit Site 41,734 Visit Site
FileSharing Talk 134,490 Visit Site 146,327 Visit Site
NZBMovieSeeker.Com 299,678 Visit Site
Place2Use 319,811 Visit Site
Usenet4all 379,643 Visit Site 526,239 Visit Site
BinTube 1,357,012 Visit Site
GoNZB 2,257,340 Visit Site
NewZFinders 2,531,005 Visit Site 7,748,234 Visit Site
NZB Royalty 16,567,326 Visit Site

Site Name Status
Binsearch Visit Site
BiNZB Visit Site
NZBIndex Visit Site
NZB Club Visit Site
nzbfriends Visit Site
nzbstars Visit Site
usenethub Visit Site
nzbsearch Visit Site
animenzb Visit Site
nzbking Visit Site

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